Wednesday, 16 October 2019

Welcome back to Term 4!

Welcome back to Term 4!

The year has flown by and we have had so many exciting things happening in Room 25! Term 4 is sure to be a busy one and below are some reminders about events happening this term.

Learning Journey

A huge thank you to everyone for supporting your child during our Learning Journey in Week 10 of last term. The students absolutely loved showing other people their amazing Ferris Wheels and Carousels. They worked incredibly hard during the term to research, design, create and evaluate their products – we hope you loved them as much as we did!

Humphrey’s Dancing

On Thursday afternoons this term from 2:10-3:05 the students will be participating in the Humphrey’s Dance Program. This is in preparation for the end of year dance parties to be held in Week 10. It is great to see the students’ fabulous dance moves and as a dancer myself, I love joining in too! Be sure to ask your children to show you some of their dance moves at home!

Student Fete

On Wednesday 23rd October from 1:00-2:30pm we will be holding a Student Fete. The students have been involved in researching, planning and organizing all aspects of our fete stall and they are very excited. Thank you so much to everyone for your donations of jelly crystals – your support is very much appreciated. Next Monday 21st October we will start making our jelly cups and ask that each student brings in a mixing bowl, metal spoon and measuring jug to use. 

Swimming Lessons

Swimming lessons will begin later on in the term and permission slips and more information will be distributed in the coming weeks.

School Uniform Reminder

Just a friendly reminder of the school’s uniform policy:
·       No jewellery i.e. necklaces, bangles, earrings except sleepers, etc.
·       Black or white shoes and socks only
·       All long hair must be tied up

Miss Zaffino