This term we have been doing
Humphrey’s dancing lessons. We have been doing partner dances, group dances and
hip hop, which have all been so much fun! At the end of the year we have a
dance party. We enjoy the experience learning dancing every year. We will
invite our parents to come watch and dance at our party at the end of the
year J
By Sarah, Alyssa, Max, Sophie,
Navshan and Joshua T
During ICT we have been
practising our typing skills by typing our big writes on the computer. We are
lucky to have the laptops on Wednesdays and Fridays. Some of the other activities
we access are typing club and Literacy Pro as well as having the chance to
create power points. We also learn how to correctly save and edit our work.
By Nadia, Rithi, Johnny and
On 8th of
November the students in Room 25 participated in a Kalahockey incursion. The
students had great fun learning the skills that the instructors taught us. We
played Hoctopus for a start then we got on to a great game of Dog and Bone. We
learned about how to push, dribble and everyone did a great job! Some students
in Room 25 wore clothes that you would normally wear at a hockey game such as:
shin pads, mouth guards and long socks to support your shin pads.
By Kayla, Olivia, Yusuf and
Super Scientist
In Week 5 we presented our
Super Science PowerPoints. Congratulations to
everyone who participated. They were all amazing! It was such a hard decision
for Miss Zaffino. The year 4 class finalists are Sarah (Aurora’s) and Jess
(photosynthesis). The Year 3 finalist is Sophie (Kidneys).
By Jess, Amelie, Skyla and
Danny J
Swimming Lessons
In Week 7 and 8 our class will
be having swimming lessons with Rooms 20 and 7.
We will be leaving at 8:40 in the morning and arriving back to school at
10:15. All students from Room 25 must be at school before 8:30 with all their
swimming gear. Miss Zaffino will open the classroom early as we will need to be
lined up for the bus just after 8:30. We will need: goggles, a towel, thongs,
bathers and a spare pair of underwear. Students must come to school wearing
their bathers under their normal school uniform. We hope your child has a fun
time swimming!
By Merlyn, Sav, Timothy and
On 23rd of October, we had our student Fete. Our class made and sold jelly cups on the day. The flavours of jellies were raspberry, lime and strawberry. We had two fete assemblies to advertise our product and we created a poem about jelly cups. We made more than 200 jelly cups and we sold all of our jelly cups. In total, we raised $220 which allowed us to purchase books and STEM activities for our classroom! We bought David Walliams, Frankie Fish and Diary of a Minecraft Zombie books.