Super Scientist
This term we will be conducting our Super Scientist
Presentations. We encourage the students to perform an actual, physical
experiment or demonstration using equipment. It can be based on any science
topic they are interested in researching and learning about.
The presentation is to be a minimum of 2 and a
maximum of 5 minutes. Students can use a PowerPoint for their presentation and
they should be able to give information about the science behind their
experiment. The students have been informed of this as well.
Please be reminded that the children are encouraged
to take responsibility for their presentations and must come prepared and ready
to present on their allocated day.
v Title of the investigation/experiment to Mrs McBride by Monday, 17th May – Week 5
(No spelling or mental maths homework in Week 5 as students will be
focusing on their presentations.)
v Class presentations to be held in the week commencing Monday
24th May – Week 6 – a schedule will come out closer to the time.