Wednesday, 5 June 2019

What's been happening in Room 25?

I can’t believe we are already half way through Term 2! We’ve had so many exciting things happening in Room 25 and many more things to look forward to for the rest of the term. Below are the students blog posts to describe various activities we have been and will be participating in this term 😃

A special mention to all the Super Scientists we have in our room! I was impressed with the confidence and enthusiasm the students showed when presenting. Congratulations to our Year 3 class winner Rithi and our Year 4 class winners Neve and Sarah. These students will be competing at the year level finals this week and next week. Good luck girls!

Miss Zaffino

Super Scientist
Last week we completed our Super Scientist Presentations. We had to present a science concept in under 5 minutes using an experiment to explain it to the class. It was very challenging for all of the mini scientists/students. This week Miss Zaffino will be choosing two year fours and one year three to go to the year level final.

By: Neve, Amelie, Max and Navshan.

Design and Technology – Model Houses
This term during Design and Technology we created model houses. We got to use recyclable materials and equipment such as cardboard, pop sticks, foil, paper and hot glue. We tried to make our houses so they could survive any natural disaster. We had almost the whole school day to create our master pieces. At the end of the day we got to share what type of natural disasters they would survive and tell the class what was special about our house. We had a lot of fun while we were creating them! J

By: Jessica, Nadia, Skyla, Timothy, Yusuf and Joshua T.

Fremantle Excursion – Coming soon!
On Wednesday 19th June in Week 8, Room 25 and Room 27 will be going on a huge excursion to Fremantle! We will be visiting the Fremantle Prison and participating in a tour. After that we will be having lunch at Cicerello’s, where we’ll be learning about Marine Education and we will also go to the Roundhouse. At the end of the day we are visiting the shipwrecks Maritime Museum. We will have lots of fun there and can’t wait to share all about it!

By: Han Yu, Merlyn, Sophie and Steven.

Fauvism Artwork
In art we have been learning about an artist called Andre’ Derain. He does an art work that is called fauvism. We drew pictures of famous landscapes. Then we painted them in unusual colours. Fauvism is an artwork when you paint a picture that is in strange colours. For example, the sand could be painted pink because it is hot. The whole class had lots of fun doing these amazing creations and they are on display in our classroom as well as the library.
By: Olivia, Alyssa, Sarthak and Joshua J.

RAC and Constable Care Incursions – Coming soon!
On Monday June 10th we will be having an RAC incursion and we will learn things about road safety. RAC stands for Royal Automobile Club. We will learn about bicycles, pedestrians and passenger safety on and around roads.
On Wednesday June 12th we will be having a Constable Care incursion. The Constable Care program uses culturally appropriate puppet shows and plays to bring key messages to indigenous children aged two to twelve years and employs, where possible, indigenous performers to deliver its program to WA indigenous programs.

By: Sarah, Rithi, Johnny and Tariq. 

Science - Thermal Insulation Experiment
We conducted an investigation to find out which material would be the best thermal insulator. We wrapped up three bags filled with ice cubes in different materials, which were aluminium foil, bubble wrap and paper towel. We wrote our results and information based on how much water we collected from the ice cubes we put in the bags. Then we collated the information.

By Kayla, Savarnah, Grace and Danny